
For use with VermaGrow™ Premium Compost Tea Starter and Soil Amendment. This blend of nutrients and activators stimulates the rapid growth of beneficial bacteria for use in foliar sprays, drenches and soil blends.

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Active B™ – 5 lb sizes (larger quantities available)
For use with VermaGrow™ Premium Compost Tea Starter and Soil Amendment. This blend of nutrients and activators stimulates the rapid growth of beneficial bacteria for use in foliar sprays, soil drenches and soil amendments for, optimum, plant health care. In particular for early to mid successional plants like flowers, grasses, vegetables and row crops.

Bacteria plays an important role in breaking down organic matter and maintaining the soil’s ability to retain nutrients. Bacteria aid’s in disease suppression and helps improve, overall, soil structure by forming microaggregates (microbial glue). Certain types of bacteria also undertake a range of other functions including the breaking down of toxic compounds and assisting with nitrogen fixation.

Compost Tea Catalyst (Bacterial Foods Blend)

Recommended Use

Add 1-cups (8oz.) “Active B” per 5lbs. of VermaGrow Starter to make 50 gallons of tea. Actively aerate for 24-48 hours depending on temperature (cooler = longer brew time). If temps exceed 75 degrees during brew cycle us at 4 oz per 5lbs. Note: we do not recommend the use of Active B If temps exceed 95 degrees due to rapid bacterial growth in higher temperatures. Enough for (10) 50 gallon batches = 500 Gallons

For potting soils, seed starting medium, topdressing and to enhance and inoculate topsoil and compost. We recommend mixing 5% by volume for most all early to mid successional perennial plants.

We recommend adding 16 oz of (pre-diluted) fish hydrolysate as additional food and if the plants need a nitrogen boost.

Additional information

Weight 5 lbs
Dimensions 8 × 8 × 8 in